AD001-Adjective or Adverb

Fill in adjective or adverb. When you have entered all the answers, click on the "CHECK" button.

  1. We have not worked too ( hard) ( late ).
  2. What's wrong with this meal . It looks to me. ( fine )
  3. She wiped the floor ( clean ).
  4. Mother grew after she heard the news. ( calm )( good )
  5. The tiger came too for comfort. ( near )
  6. The dancer moved through the room ( graceful ).
  7. Credit cards are accepted nowadays. ( wide )
  8. , he had a quick recovery. ( lucky )
  9. He looked at Tom ( angry ).
  10. He wore an jacket. ( elegant )
  11. The job was done ( professional ).
  12. The opera singer sang ( beautiful ).
  13. We noticed the storm. ( hard )
  14. They surprisingly won the match. ( surprising )
  15. We don't take him ( serious ).
  16. Mother was annoyed about Fred's latest results. ( real )
  17. They were about their Christmas presents. ( perfect )( happy )